Publications 04

Imprint: London: Printed by Thomas Snodham for Ralph Mab, and are to be sold in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of the Grayhound, 1614.
Amos 6:7 and 8:10 Therefore, etc
There is also a Latin quotation fom Ambrose on penitence.
Date: 1614
No. pages: [8], 348 p.
Notes: Each sermon, except the first, has special t.p.; Part V has imprint: London: Printed by Thomas Snodham of Iohn Budge, 1614.; Marginal notes.; Includes six sermons published elsewhere; Signatures: A-2V4 2X3.; Signature Bb3 mislabeled Bb5.; Numerous errors in paging.
Copy from: Harvard University Library
The sermons are preceded by a three page dedication 'To the verie worthie and vertuous gentleman Sir George Fitz-Jeoffrey Knight, one of Majesties Justices of the Peace and Quo vam in the Countie of Bedford' and a three page epistle to the reader headed 'Ad vel in Lectorem'.
That same year another edition appeared
Title: The Diuells banket Described in sixe sermons. ... Published by Thomas Adams ...
Imprint: London: Printed by Thomas Snodham for Iohn Budge [or Ralph Mab], and are to be sold in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of the Grayhound, 1614.
Date: 1614
No. pages: [8], 341, [3] p.
Notes: The last leaf is blank.; Sermons [2] "The second seruice of the Deuils banket", [3] "The breaking vp of the Deuils banket. Or the conclusion", [4] "The shot: or the wofull price vvhich the wicked pay for the feast of vanitie", [5] "The sinners passing-bell. Or a complaint from heauen for mans sinnes", and [6] "The sinners passing-bell. Or phisicke from heauen" have separately dated title pages; pagination and register are continuous.; Sermons 5 and 6 may have been issued together separately.; The general title page and those of all the sermons except 5 may have either John Budge or Ralph Mab in the imprint; sermon 5 has only been noted with Budge's name.; Sermon 5 identified as existing elsewhere.
Copy from: Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery (also at Sion College).
Title: The Diuells banket Described in sixe sermons. ... Published by Thomas Adams ...
Imprint: London: Printed by Thomas Snodham for Iohn Budge [or Ralph Mab], and are to be sold in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of the Grayhound, 1614.
Date: 1614
No. pages: [8], 341, [3] p.
Notes: The last leaf is blank.; Sermons [2] "The second seruice of the Deuils banket", [3] "The breaking vp of the Deuils banket. Or the conclusion", [4] "The shot: or the wofull price vvhich the wicked pay for the feast of vanitie", [5] "The sinners passing-bell. Or a complaint from heauen for mans sinnes", and [6] "The sinners passing-bell. Or phisicke from heauen" have separately dated title pages; pagination and register are continuous.; Sermons 5 and 6 may have been issued together separately.; The general title page and those of all the sermons except 5 may have either John Budge or Ralph Mab in the imprint; sermon 5 has only been noted with Budge's name.; Sermon 5 identified as existing elsewhere.
Copy from: Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery (also at Sion College).
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