Showing posts with label good deeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label good deeds. Show all posts


Adams Quotes 08

Hypocrites are certain to miscarry at last; so true is that proverb 'Frost and fraud have dirty ends' 153
Deny sloth not only continuance, but countenance 155
That which a man spits against heaven, shall fall back on his own face. Your indignities done to your spiritual physicians shall sleep in the dust with your ashes, but stand up against your souls in judgment. 161
Alas! That the farther end of all our thoughts should be the thought of our ends 161
Justification and good deeds
Out of the point of justification works cannot be sufficiently commended; into the cause of justification they must not be admitted. 162
How many on account of free tongues have chained feet 168
He that will be old long must be old while he is young. Express the sobriety of age in thy youth, that the remembrance of thy youth may sweeten the bitterness of thy age. A young saint, an old angel. So then let us spend our life in the thriftiness of grace; that when youth hath ended infancy, age ended youth and death ended all, we may be young again in heaven. 169 (expanded)
Patience to the soul is as bread to the body … we eat bread with all our meats, both for health and relish; bread with flesh, bread with fish, bread with broths and fruits. Such is ptience to every virtue; we must hope with patience, and pray in patience, and love with patience, and whatsoever good thing we do, let it be done in patience. 204
Patience must not be an inch shorter than affliction. 205

Who seeth not that prosperity increaseth iniquity? And where is more want is less wantonness. 228