Poison There is such a thing as poison; but where to be found?
Ubicunque fuerit, in homine quis quaereret? Wheresoever it is, in man who would look for it? God made man's body of the dust; he mingled no poison with it. He inspires his soul from heaven; he breathes no poison with it. He feeds him with bread; he conveys no poison with it.
Unde venenum? Whence is the poison? Mt 13:27 "Didst not thou, O Lord, sow good seed in thy field?"
Unde zizaniae — "From whence then hath it tares?" Whence?
Hoc fecit inimicus — "The enemy hath done this." We may perceive the devil in it. That great serpent, the red dragon, hath poured into wicked hearts this poison. His own poison,
malitiam, wickedness.
Cum infundit peccatum, infundit venenum —"When he pours in sin he pours in poison." Sin is poison. Original depravity is called corruption; actual poison. The violence and virulence of this venomous quality comes not at first.
Nemo fit repente pessimus — No man becomes worst at the first dash. We are born corrupt, we have made ourselves poisonous. There be three degrees, as it were so may ages, in sin. First — secret sin; an ulcer lying in the bones, but skinned over with hypocrisy. Secondly — open sin, bursting forth into manifest villany. The former is corruption, the second is eruption. Thirdly - frequented and confirmed sin, and that is rank poison, envenoming soul and body.
As quoted in Spurgeon's Treasury of David.
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