
Adams Quotes 05

(These are from the Puritan Golden Treasury, the numbers are page references)
Anger 19 The angry man, like the two hot disciples that called fire from heaven, ordains himself the judge, and would have God turn his executioner.
Bible 36 He that would comprehend all things, apprehends nothing. As he that comes to a corn heap, the more he opens his hand to take, the less he graspeth, the less he holdeth. Where the Scripture hath no tongue, we should have no ear.
The Word of life may be so distorted from the life of the Word, till it becomes the food of death.
Church 55
Many crowd to get into the church but make no room for the sermon to get into them.
Controversy 61 As in the burning of some wet fuel, we cannot see the fire for smoke; so the light of the Scriptures is dusked by the vapours of controversies.
Covetousness 67 The miser deprives himself of this world and God will deprive him of the next.

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