Adams Quotes 04
Men and Women
Woman takes her being from man, man takes his well-being from woman.
Though Christ honoured our sex in that he was a man, not a woman: yet he was born of a woman and was not begot of a man.
Woman was principal in killing the first Adam, himself being accessory. But in killing the second Adam, man was the principal and woman had not a finger in it.
True obedience hath no lead at its heels.
They know not Christ who seek to divide his blood from his water, and they shall fail in justification in heaven that refuse sanctification on earth.
Naked faith is no faith.
We know that there is a sun in heaven, yet we cannot see what matter it is made of, but perceive it only by the beams, light and heat. Election is a sun, the eyes of eagles cannot see it; yet we may find it in the heat of vocation, in the light of illumination, in the beams of good works.
Hearing and doing
Many come to these holy places, and are so transported with a desire of hearing, that they forget the fervency of praying and praising God . . . all our preaching is but to beget your praying; to instruct you to praise and worship God . . . . I complain not that our churches are auditories, but that they are not oratories; not that you come to sermons (for God’s sake, come faster), but that you neglect public prayer; as if were only God’s part to bless you, not yours to bless God. . . . Beloved, mistake not. It is not the only exercise of a Christian to hear a sermon; nor is that Sabbath well spent that despatcheth no other business for heaven . . . God’s service is not to be narrowed up in hearing, it hath greater latitude; there must be prayer, praise, adoration.
The least faith is as precious to the believer's soul as Peter's or Paul's faith was to themselves; for it lays hold upon Christ and brings eternal salvation. (On 2 Peter)
Presumption is joined with looseness of life; persuasion with a tender conscience; that dares sin because it is sure, this dares not for fear of losing assurance. Persuasion will not sin, because it cost her Saviour so dear; presumption will sin, because grace doth abound. Humility is the way to heaven. They that are proudly secure of their going to heaven do not so often come thither as they that are afraid of going to hell. (On 2 Peter)
The inconstant man is a stranger in his own house.
The light of nature is like a spark, the light of the gospel a lamp, the light of grace a star, but the light of glory the sun itself.
Christ is the sum of the whole Bible, prophesied, typified, prefigured, exhibited, demonstrated, to be found in every leaf, almost in every line, the Scriptures being but as it were the swaddling bands of the child Jesus.
Religion gives riches, and riches forgets religion . . . Thus do our affections wheel about with an unconstant motion. Poverty makes us Religious, Religion rich, and riches irreligious.
(Diseases of the Soul: A Discourse Divine, Morall, and Physicall, (London, 1616), 24)
(Diseases of the Soul: A Discourse Divine, Morall, and Physicall, (London, 1616), 24)
The Law gives menaces. the gospel gives promises.
Sin is the strength of death and the death of strength
It is a poor worship to move our hats, and not our hearts.
Sin is the strength of death and the death of strength

One would think that punishment should procure fear, and forgiveness love; but no man more truly loves God than he is most fearful to offend Him .... we fear thee for thy justice, and love thee for thy mercy; yea, fear thee for thy mercy, and love thee for thy justice; for thou art infinitely good in both.
Devotion without instruction winds itself into superstition.
Lay up in the ark of thy memory not only the pot of manna, the bread of life; but even Aaron's rod, the very scourge of correction, wherewith thou hast been bettered.
Sins are so remitted as if they had never been committed.
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